All pot smoking references aside (with the exception of this one: won't it be refreshing for Denver and the surrounding towns to lose the whole Wellness concept? The distribution channels are already set. No need for pesky prescriptions or silly medical covers anymore...now I'm done), Boulder is home to some of the coolest treasure trove hunts West of the Mississippi.
Antiquing, thrifting, call it what you will. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Check out these pics from one of my favorite spots I found while getting my hippie fix here.
Never underestimate the power of a thrift store to spice up an interior. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. I have never understood the person who will go to a furniture store and buy a matching set. Or fill a home with uninspired retail items. THIS is where the magic happens. Express yourself in fun, interesting, one of a kind, often historical and nostalgic decor that comes with a story attached. Like that one time, in Boulder, when you bought an ounce of pot, smoked it and picked out some crazy shit in a funky store....
Did I just say that? Oh, well. It's legal now. As long as the Feds look away.
What kind of far-out, contemporary, fresh, dope (there goes that word again), antique finds have you scored in places like this? Isn't life more interesting when it's one big show and tell? I just exhaled.