Especially when it brings me back to an area I love. Let's face it. I'm an East Coast girl.
That aside, I am super excited to be back in the Charlotte area and jumping right back into the creative scene. I recently joined the Board of Directors at The Community Arts Project and love what the organization is doing. I'll be mentioning it a lot.
But back to relocating. It allows me to CREATE. A new interior! Something I love doing. Decorating is in my blood. I love to see what I can do with a space. Cost being an issue, of course.
A realtor once said to me, "you have vision. You can see a space for what it can become. Not for what it is." I was flattered by her assessment. And, more importantly, I believe it.
I haven't really gotten to the fun part yet. And, truthfully, I wasn't ready to give up what I created in Texas. Man, I loved that house. But I love being here more. And I like decorating.
Nothing like a fresh blank canvas to make you feel alive with endless possibilities. Like I said. It's a beautiful thing.